According to Gartner, data is the most valuable commodity available to organizations, and increasing access to good quality data enables operational improvement, better insight into performance, and improved decision making.

The issue many organizations face is the lack of synchronization between the different systems that produce data, whether for sales, accounting, marketing, production, or distribution. When there is an app for everything, an organization might have a dozen apps that don’t communicate with each other.

That’s where Lexim comes in.
Lexim specializes in the most common types of systems integration:

Legacy system integration

Enterprise application integration

Third party system integration

Business to business integration

We also offer several different ways to connect systems:

Application programming interfaces (APIs)



Electronic data interchange (EDIs)

Our expert team can coordinate with yours to stand up any framework, including:

Point to Point

Hub and spoke

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

Here are the key steps to system integration we offer, in conjunction with your web development team, marketing, and IT.

1. Planning and feasibility analysis

2. Architecture modeling

3. Implementation

4. Maintenance

Our tailored services for systems integration include configuration, data migration, custom development, training, and ongoing support to ensure our clients are fully utilizing each platform to its fullest potential.

We understand that each business has unique needs, and we take the time to understand those needs to provide a customized systems integration experience.